
Cummins big cam 350 oil in coolant
Cummins big cam 350 oil in coolant

cummins big cam 350 oil in coolant cummins big cam 350 oil in coolant

Hi Paul, The reason you need to test the old cooler is to see if it was leaking, if it was not leaking, then the oil leak issue was not addressed, and we need to look further. If you drain the cooling system from the bottom, the oil will "line" everything out comes in contact with, and there is a lot more to clean out at a later stage. The best way to remove it is to force it out the top, by overflowing the header tank, before draining the cooling system. Oil leaking into the coolant does not go through the same violent mixing that coolant entering the oil does, so does not become emulsified, the oil will float to the top of the coolant, and will be prevalent in the header tank portion of the radiator. It could come from a cylinder head gasket, I have not seen this in a K19. I have seen oil in the coolant from a porous liner, however this engine also had coolant in the oil. There is special tooling required to pressure test the oil cooler, your local Cummins dealer should be able to do it. This is located on the right hand side of the engine, behind the coolant header plate. Hi Paul, The most likely place the oil has entered into the coolant and the radiator is from the engine lubricating oil cooler.

Cummins big cam 350 oil in coolant